  Studiegidsen 2009-2010
Radboud UniversiteitStudiegidsenFaculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica > Master Computing Science

R&D: Research 3 

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Course ID
eerste semester
Introduction (Inleiding)

The course R&D: Research 3 (RDR3) is divided into two separate tracks: the research track (R-track) and the supervisor track (S-track).

Within the R-track the student needs to follow their own research as in RDR2. This can provide the opportunity for example to undertake a preliminary feasibility study towards an afstudeer project, or to continue a  line of research started in RDR2.

Within the S-track you will supervise a group of students that is working on an RDR1 project.

Objectives (Leerdoelen)
If a student goes for the R-track,  the goals and aims are basically the same as in RDR2. But the student has the opportunity to become more experienced in doing research.

After doing the S-track a student should be able to:
  • Supervise a small research project.
  • Identify pitfall in someone else's research project.
  • Study papers well enough to be able to explain them to others.
  • Write a semi scientific article about a given topic.
  • Write a review report.
  • Reflect on their achievements.

Subjects (Onderwerpen)
In the R-track students choose their own topic, and should find an appropriate supervisor from the ICIS staff.
In the S-track the RDR1 students choose the topic, but the RDR3 students can have influence on it by helping with the research question.

Study investment (Studielastverdeling)
  • 10 hrs lecture
  • 4 hrs personal study counseling
  • 40 hrs student project
  • 114 hrs individual study period
Teaching methods (Toelichting werkvormen)
There are only a few lectures in this course. One for explaining how this course works and a few for theoretical background on e.g. the semi scientific article.

Since most students prefer the S-track there is usually only one presentation session of R-track projects.

Furthermore, both in R-track and S-track there are several individual progress meetings.
Examination (Toetsvorm)
For the R-track the quality of the paper and presentation imply the final grade.For the S-track the quality of the evaluation report, referee reports and the additional task will reflect in the final grade.
Pre-requisites (Vereiste voorkennis)
For doing the S-track it is needed that both RDR1 and RDR2 are completed.
For doing the R-track it suffices if you have completed either RDR1 or RDR2.
Literature (Literatuur)
Some pointers to the writing of semi scientific articles are provided.
Students have to find their own literature concerning the research.

Extra information (Bijzonderheden)
If there are more RDR3 students opting for S-track than there are RDR1 projects, the teacher decides who can do S-track or who should do R-track.