  Studiegidsen 2011-2012
Radboud UniversiteitStudiegidsenFaculteit der Filosofie, Theologie en Religiewetenschappen > Course Guide Research Master Philosophy

Metaphysics (Research Seminar) 1 

Hermeneutics and the Thinking of the Event
Course ID
Schedule (Rooster)
10 sessions between September 2011 and February 2012. Dates and places will be announced via Blackboard as soon as possible.
Research Master students must write a report at the end of each meeting or present an introduction of the part of the text that will be discussed during the present meeting. In addition, the student writes a research paper at the end of the first semester of 4.000-5.000 words. Basic knowledge of Heidegger's work is a prerequisite.
Teaching method (Onderwijsvorm)

Introductory presentations, collective text reading, discussions, final paper.
Students are required to read carefully the text in preparation to each meeting and formulate their questions. One of the students will give the introduction of the text scheduled for that day. The same student will also chair the meeting and select passages for close reading. Each student is expected to give one or more introductions during the seminar, depending on the number of participants. The other students hand in a summary of the previous meeting. Each meeting will start with a brief discussion of the summaries and questions concerning the previous meeting. Please use these summaries as a way of deepening the material of the last time!
At the end of the course, each student writes a paper on a topic related to the seminar of approximately 4500 words. This paper should discuss at least five pieces of secondary literature (articles, chapters from books, etc.).


Objectives (Doelstelling)
  • Students will be introduced to the origins of one of the most-debated topics in continental philosophy: the issue of the event;
  • Students will be able to explain and analyse the main similarities and differences between Heidegger’s early fundamental ontology and his later thinking of the event;
  • Students will be able to critically engage and assess Heidegger’s proposal.
Contents (Beschrijving)
In the Fall Semester 2011, we will study Heidegger’s later philosophical project, known as the thinking of the event. The main goal is to trace the presence of hermeneutic aspects in this thinking and compare it with his account of hermeneutics from Being and Time. The main questions that will guide the seminar are: How does the later Heidegger conceive the relation between being and thinking? What are the major changes in comparison with his project of a fundamental ontology developed in Being and Time? Is there still any place left for hermeneutics and phenomenology at this later stage? Can we draw any relevant consequences from these texts that help us better understand Heidegger’s earlier interest in fundamental ontology? Is the thinking of the event a continuation of his earlier ontology, or does he take distance from that?
In the first two meetings we will discuss two short texts of Heidegger: Logos, (Heraclitus, Fragment 50) and Moira, (Parmenides VIII, 34-41).  While being both representative for his later thinking, these texts employ concepts which belong to his earlier hermeneutic philosophy. In this way we can trace the transformations that take place from his early philosophy to his later thinking. This first two meetings are meant to give the student a sense of the framework in which the later thinking of Heidegger develops. In the rest of the course, we will concentrate on an in-depth reading of his second major work – Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning). We will again pay attention to the similarities and differences with respect to Being and Time.
Literature (Literatuur)

Primary literature:

  • M. Heidegger, Early Greek Thinking, English translation by David Farrell Krell and Frank A. Capuzzi, Harper & Row Publishers, 1984;
  • M. Heidegger, Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning), English Translation by Parvis Emad and Kenneth Maly, Indiana University Press, Bloomington & Indianapolis, 1999.

Recommended secondary literature

  • Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann, Wege ins Ereignis, Zu Heideggers “Beiträgen zur Philosophie”, Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1994;
  • Richard Polt, The Emergency of Being: On Heidegger's “Contributions to Philosophy,” Ithaca, NY:  Cornell University Press, 2006;
  • Ch.Scott, S. M. Schoenbohm, D. Vallega-Neu, and A. Vallega, Companion to Heidegger’s “Contribution to Philosophy,” Indiana University Press, 2001;
  • Daniela Vallega-Neu, Heidegger’s “Contributions to Philosophy.” An Introduction, Indiana University Press, 2003.
Enrollment ( Inschrijving College )
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