  Studiegidsen 2011-2012
Radboud UniversiteitStudiegidsenFaculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen > Research Master Cognitive Neuroscience

Neurobiology and Evolution of Language  

Neurobiology and Evolution of Language
Course ID
Objectives (Doelstelling)
This course will provide up-to-date insights into the neurobiological basis of language, including the neuronal and genetic infrastructure of the language-ready brain, as well as on the evolutionary mechanisms and trajectories towards a full-blown natural language system. The course will be given by internationally leading researchers in the field
Contents (Inhoud / Omschrijving)
Neurobiology of language. In this part of the course students will get a thorough overview of the neural processes involved in the understanding as well as production of language. Topics covered are: Connectivity of the language network, insights from lesion studies, the neural infrastructure for speech processing, the neurobiology of syntax, the neural basis of semantics, the neurobiology of pragmatics and the interface between language and other cognitive systems.

Evolution and genetics of language. The topics to be covered in this part of the course will be: A brief introduction to genetics. The gene FOXP2 - a window into the molecular neurobiological basis of language. The concept of heritability. The genetics of dyslexia and etiologically complex forms of language impairment. Evolutionary theory and levels of explanation. An overview of current and prominent theories regarding the evolution of human language and languages. Primate communication. Population genetics and language features.

Literature (Literatuur)
Lecture notes and syllabus containing relevant articles from top-quality journals.

Representative readings
Fisher S.E. & Marcus G.F. (2006) The Eloquent Ape: genes, brains, and the evolution of language. Nature Reviews Genetics 7: 9-20

Hagoort, P. (2005). On Broca, brain, and binding: a new framework. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9(9): 416-423

Teaching methods (Werkvormen)
Lectures and student assignments.
Coördinerend docent
Coordinators: C. Francks, R. Willems
Examination (Toetsingsvorm)
written exam Thursday 19 january 2012
Enrollment ( Inschrijving college )
via STUDENT PORTAL untill 5 working days before the start of the course

Note this course is for CNS students only. Behavioural Science (BS) students should contact drs. Wendy de Graaf, programme coordinator BS (),  other Non-CNS students can contact Yvonne Schouten () or Arno Koning ().

Extra enrollment information (Extra informatie inschrijving)
via KISS/TIS till 5 working days before the start of the course
Note this course is for CNS students only. Behavioural Science (BS) students should contact drs. Wendy de Graaf, programme coordinator BS (),  other Non-CNS students can contact Yvonne Schouten () or Arno Koning ().