  Studiegidsen 2013-2014
Radboud UniversiteitStudiegidsenFaculteit der Managementwetenschappen > Bedrijfskunde

Research Methodology 

Course ID
blokken 1 en 2
Ma 1
Course Co-ordinator
dr. H.P.L.M. Korzilius
Collegerooster opvragen
SWS / PersoonlijkRooster
Specialization (Specialisatie)
Examination (Tentaminering)

Assignments and Paper

Prerequisites (Vereiste voorkennis)
Students are assumed to have basic knowledge about quantitative and qualitative research methods and system dynamics modelling.
Optional Course (Keuzevak) (Niet van toepassing als dit vak een verplicht onderdeel is van de opleiding)
Objectives (Leerdoelen)

Students are able to recognize and evaluate the elements of a sound research proposal. Students are able to write a sound and feasible research proposal and conduct quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis for their thesis. Students will be taught to reflect continuously upon their methodological skills and to acquire additional knowledge and skills about research methods independently.

Contents (Beschrijving)

This course guides students through the successive phases of writing a sound research proposal that prepares them for writing a Master's thesis in the field of System Dynamics. In an interactive setting, the various elements of a research proposal will be prepared, discussed and provided with methodological feedback. Students receive training in qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis which are suitable for their Master's thesis. The Research Methodology course leads to a sound research proposal for the individual Master's thesis.

Literature (Literatuur)

Saunders, M. & Lewis, P. (2012) Doing research in business & management. Pearson Education Limited: Harlow.