  Studiegidsen 2013-2014
Radboud UniversiteitStudiegidsenFaculteit der Managementwetenschappen > Geografie, Planologie en Milieu

Water Management and Spatial Planning 

Course ID
Blok 3
Ma 1
Course Co-ordinator
dr. S.V. Meijerink
Collegerooster opvragen
SWS / PersoonlijkRooster
Specialization (Specialisatie)
Water management and spatial planning
Examination (Tentaminering)
Oral exam and paper
Prerequisites (Vereiste voorkennis)

Bachelors degree

Optional Course (Keuzevak) (Niet van toepassing als dit vak een verplicht onderdeel is van de opleiding)
Objectives (Leerdoelen)

After following this course, students:

  • are familiar with the state of the art in water resources management and planning
  • are able to analyse recent developments in the relationship between water resources management and spatial planning with the use of institutional or other relevant social theories
Contents (Beschrijving)
This course aims to help students reading, understanding and using the social science literature on water resources management and planning. The empirical focus is on the key-themes of present-day water management, such as the coordination between water management and spatial planning, flood risk management, the implementation of the European water framework directive and cross-border river basin management. Although the focus is on recent developments in Dutch water management primarily, there is a strong international dimension as well. Part of the literature deals with issues of cross-border cooperation and the development of the European water regime, and some topics are discussed from an international comparative perspective.

Theoretically, in this course various institutional perspectives are used (1) to better understand recent developments in water resources management and planning and (2) to develop strategies for contributing to a better coordination between water management and spatial planning, and a more sustainable development of water resources. The course is embedded within the research programme SCAPES. The tutors are all involved in research on water resources management. Therefore, the course offers a sound preparation for those who want to write a Masters thesis on water management issues.

Literature (Literatuur)
